This has been a very wintry day it has snowed, sleeted and the wind has blown all day it was very cold. After lunch David took us to the museum and it was very interesting and good then we went to a shop that they make and sell native art, clothing and I'll kinds of things. We went to the hospital as David needed to pick up a prescription for Sarah, their hospital is very nice, they have an ER, they have another section where they can diagnose in the villages by a computer monitor. They fly the surgeries to Anchorage. In the hospital they have a care for the elderly, a lady 95 was at the Wednesday night church service and she lives there. They have a church van that picks people up from there to bring them to church. We went by the Friends Cemetery, which is now full and they have started another cemetery out in the country. I have failed to mention a couple of things that amaze us, one is the amount of vechiles that are here, not that I don't think these people should have them but they either come by air or a barge. The other thing is the buildings in part of Kotzebue are built on pileings as the ground is permafrost & they have to go down to the ice where it is solid.

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