This was our last day in Kotzebue, it has been another really good day. A man in the Bible School fixed a big pot of Caribou stew for lunch, he brought ice cream and the Miller's took a nice fruit salad. In the afternoon Don went with David to get a pick up that came in on the barge. Don said that was really interesting, they had the pick up in a container and David had to crawl through the pick up window because there wasn't enough room to open the door to drive it out. We saw the barge yesterday when we went on the drive but David was surprised that a barge was coming this late in the fall. Tonight David fixed us a caribou stirfry for dinner and a cabbage salad. It was very good. The millers went to a 50th anniversary surprise dinner, so we have been on our own this evening. We have our suitcases packed as we need to be to the airport early in the morning. We have had a wonderful time but we both have said it would be hard to live here where it is so cold dark and cloudy for several months of the year. We are still amazed at the vehicles, they have at least three different cab services, police and fire truck as well, their main transportation could be four wheelers in the summer and this time of the year & snowmobiles in the winter. There are a lot of boats as well & you see a lot of people walking. We pray blessings on these dear people as they endeavor to win Kotzebue for the Lord.

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