We had a good ride this afternoon, warm but then a terrible rain storm came up so we decided to stay in Drayton Valley & it's a good thing we did as oh my how it did rain, we got wimpy & got a motel & are glad we did. We haven't taken any pictures today but we did see buffalo today, on Sunday out of Mt. Home we saw elk, & on the trip we have seen a red fox, a black fox, 2 deer, a lot of antelope & waiting for the bear & moose, promise we will take pictures. Want to get an early start in the morning, when we get to Dawson Creek we are half way to Anchorage from home. Only rode 323miles today. We are 1187 miles from home. Will try and download a picture of the Missouri river falls at Great Falls.
I highlighted several Quaker women last year and for
#InternationalWomensDay I decided to put them all in one spot to make it
easier for you to find!
7 years ago
Enjoy your warm dry bed tonight! Sorry I missed your call.