Monday, June 28, 2010

Beaver Creek

We went to the Rendez-Vous musical last night & it was really good, there were probably 200 people at it, tour buses, the main guy has been doing it for 19 years & the gal that sang with him for the past 9 years.

It rained hard all night & is still raining this morning. Don is at the machine shop hoping to get the trailer fixed. There is construction ahead of us & we've told it is slicker then slick so Don is trying to decide if we should stay here another night. :( would rather be safe then sorry.

Eating breakfast a lady asked us where in ID we were from & when I said where, she said they were from, small world, gets even smaller, they were Dave & Vee, a brother to Jake who is married to Don's cousin, Joy. We had a good visit.

Hopefully the next post will be from Alaska but will keep you posted. Thank you to all who are praying for us. God IS good.

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