We left there & rode to Crochran & ate breakfast where we split ham & eggs at a little Grill, booths on one side & the cook cooking on the other, probably 20 feet wide & 30 or so long, it was a step back in time. 😊. Then we went to Andersonville, purposely to see the Civil War POW Museum & Cemetery. The prison was 450 acres in size & had as many as 30,000 people in it at one time. Union soldiers died at about 100 a day, over 15,000 died & were buried there. In the pic where the markers are about an inch or two apart, they were buried in a trench. SO SAD!! It is a museum for all POW's of war, they looked to see if Don's Uncle Frank's name was there but it wasn't but they said they didn't have all the names. After that we came on to Columbus, GA, on the way we saw cotton fields, maybe peanuts, some dairy cows, lots of goats & a few horses.
I highlighted several Quaker women last year and for
#InternationalWomensDay I decided to put them all in one spot to make it
easier for you to find!
7 years ago
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